The journey from Dubrovnik to Gračac (Lika) doesn't have to be boring and tiring; you just need to choose the right road. For me, the deciding factor in choosing the route was the news that a wolf had been spotted near Benkovac that day. Venturing off the A1 highway towards Skradin, I navigated through the peaceful interior, enveloped in darkness on the way there. On the return journey to Dubrovnik, I drove through the same route, but this time bathed in the light of day. It's been quite a few years since I last passed through there.
The dark road before the town of Đeverske resembles all the documentary films about UFO encounters, abductions, and other strange phenomena. So, the wolf didn't even cross my mind anymore.
Passing through Đeverske quickly brings fantasy down to the realistic and sad state of the beautiful hinterland of Skradin. The road then bends into darkness, leaving a deeper impression of the history of this area with every meter.
My somber thoughts were interrupted by the streetlights of Kistanje and peculiar music. My gaze was captivated by the bell tower, piercing the clouds with its height, and instead of traditional bells, a melody was playing.
I pulled over, and got out of the car; it was a moment I couldn't miss while driving. Like in a movie, I stood still, open-mouthed, gazing at the sky. Just a second before my brain signaled "Error," I was startled by the voice of a visibly tipsy old man staggering from one bar to another. Turning around, I concluded that the journey during the day would be equally interesting.
To cut a long story short, I was right. During the day, you can visit the remains of the Roman military camp Burnum at two locations from the photos and take a stroll along the right bank of the Krka River. This is a region tailored for explorers and science fiction enthusiasts.
The area is full of white and some black sheep, and the wolf here is a domestic animal.